
SurrealDB recursive graph query

Performing recursive queries against your graph sounds like a beast of an issue to tackle. Luckily, with SurrealDB this is quick work.

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Performing recursive queries against your graph sounds like a beast of an issue to tackle. Luckily, with SurrealDB this is quick work.

Create the schema

In this example we will create two tables: component to hold some data and component_link to create the relationships:

-- Component

DEFINE FIELD name ON TABLE component TYPE string;
DEFINE FIELD description ON TABLE component TYPE string;
DEFINE FIELD status ON TABLE component TYPE string;

-- Component Link

DEFINE FIELD in ON TABLE component_link TYPE record<component>;
DEFINE FIELD out ON TABLE component_link TYPE record<component>;
DEFINE FIELD weight ON TABLE component TYPE int DEFAULT 0;

Create the entities + relations

Now we can create some test entities and then link them with RELATE:

LET $component1 = (CREATE component SET name = 'a', description = 'a', status = 'a');
LET $component2 = (CREATE component SET name = 'b', description = 'b', status = 'b');
LET $component3 = (CREATE component SET name = 'c', description = 'c', status = 'c');
LET $component4 = (CREATE component SET name = 'd', description = 'd', status = 'd');
LET $component5 = (CREATE component SET name = 'e', description = 'e', status = 'e');

RELATE $component2->component_link->$component1;
RELATE $component3->component_link->$component2;
RELATE $component4->component_link->$component3;
RELATE $component5->component_link->$component4;

Define the function

Here is the sexy part, we create a simple function that recuses itself, pulling in the edges and node data:

DEFINE FUNCTION fn::recurse($e: any) {
    RETURN (
        SELECT *,fn::recurse(component_link.out) FROM <

Perform the query

SELECT *,fn::recurse($this) AS children FROM component;


		children: [
				children: [
						children: [
								children: [
										children: [],
										description: 'e',
										id: component:97m6jf7a0ntxh5pjyf1i,
										name: 'e',
										status: 'e',
										weight: 0
								description: 'd',
								id: component:ztwergfc9cbnv2mqym96,
								name: 'd',
								status: 'd',
								weight: 0
						description: 'c',
						id: component:mw2sa8dgwt4wu749yvwm,
						name: 'c',
						status: 'c',
						weight: 0
				description: 'b',
				id: component:7ytyku83bnr7y4bsvghs,
				name: 'b',
				status: 'b',
				weight: 0
		description: 'a',
		id: component:0lettndpnz67fw6wcwzj,
		name: 'a',
		status: 'a',
		weight: 0
		children: [
				children: [
						children: [
								children: [],
								description: 'e',
								id: component:97m6jf7a0ntxh5pjyf1i,
								name: 'e',
								status: 'e',
								weight: 0
						description: 'd',
						id: component:ztwergfc9cbnv2mqym96,
						name: 'd',
						status: 'd',
						weight: 0
				description: 'c',
				id: component:mw2sa8dgwt4wu749yvwm,
				name: 'c',
				status: 'c',
				weight: 0
		description: 'b',
		id: component:7ytyku83bnr7y4bsvghs,
		name: 'b',
		status: 'b',
		weight: 0
		children: [],
		description: 'e',
		id: component:97m6jf7a0ntxh5pjyf1i,
		name: 'e',
		status: 'e',
		weight: 0
		children: [
				children: [
						children: [],
						description: 'e',
						id: component:97m6jf7a0ntxh5pjyf1i,
						name: 'e',
						status: 'e',
						weight: 0
				description: 'd',
				id: component:ztwergfc9cbnv2mqym96,
				name: 'd',
				status: 'd',
				weight: 0
		description: 'c',
		id: component:mw2sa8dgwt4wu749yvwm,
		name: 'c',
		status: 'c',
		weight: 0
		children: [
				children: [],
				description: 'e',
				id: component:97m6jf7a0ntxh5pjyf1i,
				name: 'e',
				status: 'e',
				weight: 0
		description: 'd',
		id: component:ztwergfc9cbnv2mqym96,
		name: 'd',
		status: 'd',
		weight: 0
Matthew Davis

Published 2 months ago