
Gradle Project Versioning Plugin

Version management with gradle can sound like a daunting task. To solve this problem I’ve created the versionest gradle plugin to help aid you in your quest with semantic versioning automation!

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Version management with gradle can sound like a daunting task. There are a plethora of “plugins” out there that attempt to solve this problem but most of them are either disappointing, do not work or have been abandoned.

To solve this problem I’ve created the versionest gradle plugin to help aid you in your quest with semantic versioning automation!


Getting setup to use the versionest plugin is as simple as adding a few lines to your build.gradle file and creating an initial file.


Add the following (or append) to the top of your build.gradle file in your project root. This will configure the repository to look for the versionest plugin and then apply it (activate it).

buildscript {

    repositories {

        maven {

            url ''



    dependencies {

        classpath group: 'gradle.plugins', name: 'versionest', version: '0.0.30'



apply plugin: 'versionest'
version = versionest.version.toString()

Notice this last line, this is where the magic happens.. each time your build runs the version variable is set by the versionest.version.toString() method which simply reads from the file.


This file holds the semantic version for your project. This format uses MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH:



Now that our build is setup to use the plugin we can go ahead and call our gradle tasks to effectively manage the versions.

The following tasks are currently available:

$ gradle tasks

bumpMajorVersion bumpMinorVersion bumpPatchVersion createVersionFile getCurrentVersion

By calling a bump* task you will increment the value in auto-magically. You could then daisy chain tasks to do things like always bump on build, upload, etc.

See also

versionest is an open-source project. Source code is hosted at and jars are available via my nexus repository server at

Matthew Davis

Published 5 years ago